Laura Gaudion was appointed the Isle of Wight Council’s interim director of adult social care when Dr Carol Tozer resigned from the post in the summer of 2021.
The Island Better Care Programme, designed and run by Mountbatten, has received praise from all corners, including the CQC, who can see the results in improving care home provision.
The council – which provides funding to meet the residents’ care and support needs - has been trying to personally contact the affected families to explain the situation and what is being done on their behalf.
The national body that inspects care homes was so concerned that residents were being put at risk it cancelled the home's registration, forcing it to close
The pressure on Isle of Wight council's 'ever-pinching' Adult Social Care budget was highlighted at Tuesday's Scrutiny Committee, as a proposed rise to Wightcare costs was explained
The joint action between the IW NHS Trust, Council and the CCG was praised by health bosses for working together, finding beds and solutions to the care issues