Has Island Roads really reopened Undercliff Drive? Confusion over suggested diversion route (updated)
24, March 2011·3 min readGovernment Indicates £260m For IW Highways PFIMoney for potholes and less than expected for highways PFI
14, March 2011·1 min readLibraries: Isle of Wight Council “Unlawful” Decision ChallengeHuman Rights Lawyers may take IWC to High Court if they don't withdraw library proposals
24, January 2011·1 min readCllr David Pugh: Employing Library Staff Is A “Narrow Expectation”Cllr David Pugh says that the council employing staff in the Island's libraries is a "narrow expectation"
8, February 2011·1 min readMass Anti-Cuts Rally Planned For 5pm TodayAnother rally planned for 5pm today against cuts to public services
21, January 2011·1 min readCowes Chain Ferry Plans Revealed on Wikipedia?Whoops, look like someone's been having some fun at the Isle of Wight council's expense on Wikipedia
1, March 2011·2 min readLegal Challenge To Library Closures Started (Updated)The 1964 Public Libraries and Museums Act says that those responsible must "promote the improvement of the public library service." Shutting them isn't improving them
9, March 2011·1 min readOpen Data At Southampton Uni Shows The Way #opensotonGreat work from Christopher and his team, showing what can happen when data is opened up to the public
6, May 2011·1 min read‘Stop The Cuts – Heal The Island’ RallyJoins others concerned about the public service cuts
8, February 2011·2 min readTim Coates To Present At VB Save The Libraries Event (video)Expert on library services to give presentation on Island
6, January 2011·2 min readAdult Social Care Cuts/Westminster House Public Meeting (updated)A meeting for carers and stakeholders in Westminster House
9, March 2011·1 min readOffers To Be Invited For Ryde TheatreVenue up for grabs a year after agreement with Platform One falls through