Taking place between 7th-11th September, The Ventnor Bicycle Film Festival features several cycling related screenings, as well as a talk and book signing
Our sold out Secret to Happiness event raised much laughter and happiness among the audience. If you were one of them, don't forget to vote for us in the Audience Choice Awards
This competition is inviting people of all ages to produce a promo video for a music track, with an opportunity to have it adopted as an official video for a band. OnTheWight has the details.
Ventnor Arts Club will be hosting a celebration of Danny Boyle’s seminal Trainspotting films and Iggy Pop’s 70th year during the Fringe Festival. Tickets are limited so book now.
There are three Cinema for Peace screenings to choose from this week. Learn more about the 'Age of Man’, the Italian 'refugee island' of Lampedusa or The 'Egyptian Jon Stewart' Show.
The spring season of films from the Ventnor Film Society features an interesting and fairly light-hearted programme of recent award winning films from the UK, France, Spain, Greece, New Zealand and Italy.
There's an amazing range of things taking place in Ventnor today for the Isle of Arts Festival from workshops and masterclasses to quality live music and theatre. Don't let a little bit of rain put you off coming to Ventnor for the day.
With her specially commissioned translations of Jacques Brel and Prevert, and including British chansons writers, Elvis Costello, Robb Johnson and the balladic Tom Rush and Leonard Cohen, Jungr returns to the material that launched her career in the USA and the UK.