Rachael Berry’s brain hat fundraiser aims to support Alzheimer’s Research UK – donate for your chance to win it
Isle of Wight council celebrates International Transgender Day of Visibility with a flag raising ceremony
19, April 2011·1 min readConstituencies and AV Discussed at LibDem ForumHow the Island could be split into two Parliamentary constituencies and AV were discussed at the most recent LibDem Island forum
28, March 2011·1 min readGloucestershire Summoned To Whitehall Over Library ClosuresGloucestershire county council called into Westminster to have library proposals scrutinised
5, April 2011·1 min readHeal The Island Message For Andrew TurnerHeal the Island message to be given to Andrew Turner
31, January 2011·1 min readJohn Rosenthal Thanks All Westminster House SupportersJohn shares his views on the news that Westminster House will remain in service for the short term
4, February 2011·1 min readLetter To The Editor: Pugh Is Using YouOne readers shares her views of the council's approach to budget cuts
6, November 2009·1 min readMP Andrew Turner’s Partner Carole Dennett Will Step Down (UPDATED)Given the salary she was on, it looks like costs will be increased by Carole having to stand down.
28, January 2011·1 min readPossible Victory For Westminster House CampaignersWestminster House saved for the time being
2, February 2011·1 min readProminent Westminster House Campaigner Shares Her ViewHazel shares her views on Westminster House being saved from closure
1, February 2011·1 min readPugh’s London Lobby Secures ‘chickenfeed’Release from Geoff Lumley claims only £4,000 gained from Government after Pugh's trip.
6, January 2011·1 min readRoundup of Anti-Cuts Meetings Over Next Week (updated)A roundup of all anti budget cuts meetings
19, February 2011·1 min readStop The Cuts Demo at 11am in NewportYou are encouraged to go along and show your disapproval.