Activists set to protest Boris Johnson’s Isle of Wight visit this week

Mairead shares details of this upcoming protest. Ed

Three local activists are planning a protest to coincide with the visit of Conservative Party leadership hopefuls, Boris Johnson and Jeremy Hunt, focusing on the party’s response to recent allegations of domestic violence levelled at Boris Johnson.

Radak: A crisis that needs leadership
Event Co-organiser Felicity Radak explained that the purpose of the protest is to reinforce the importance of political leadership on the issue of domestic abuse.

“Last year, an average of two women per week were killed by their partner in England and Wales. Domestic abuse is a crisis in this country that needs leadership, not the dismissal we have seen from the Conservative Party over the past week.”

O’Harrow: “We do have a responsibility to act”
Co-organiser and domestic abuse survivor Jayne O’Harrow added

“It is not our place to judge what happens in anyone else’s relationship however, we do have a responsibility to act if we are worried about someone’s safety, which is what Boris Johnson’s neighbours did.

“If my previous neighbours had reported the screams, cries and shouting coming from my home, I might have felt more able to have left years before I did.”

Healy: “Seen a complete dismissal of domestic abuse”
Event co-organiser Mairead Healy added,

“The message coming from the Conservative Party should have been for us to look out for everyone, to be that person that makes the call, that it’s better to be safe than sorry.

“Instead we have seen a complete dismissal of domestic abuse in a way that further stigmatises the issue, discourages people in the community from stepping in to help stop abuse, and sends a clear message to victims of domestic abuse that they should keep silent.

Healy: Send a clear message that more needs to be done to prevent domestic violence
She went on to add,

“In 2019, this response is simply not good enough and whoever the next Prime Minister of this country is must do better – that is the message we will be sending this Thursday.

“We encourage people from across the Island community to join us on Thursday and stand in solidarity with all people who have survived domestic abuse and those who are currently living in fear.

“The Isle of Wight has a large Conservative Party membership, and we hope we can all come together to send a clear message that more needs to be done to prevent domestic violence.”

Location to be confirmed
The protest will take place this Thursday afternoon, with the event location to be confirmed. For those intending to come along, they must Sign up here as organisers will need to contact attendees to confirm the location. 

Those wanting more information on Thursday’s protest are encouraged to visit the Facebook event or contact event organiser by emailing: [email protected] 

Image: Nathan Keirn under CC BY 2.0

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