Tim Moxey

Appeal to find milkman or nurse who helped man collapsed in road last year

Earlier this year News OnTheWight ran an appeal to locate the person who found a man collapsed in the road on 18th April 2020 and called an ambulance.

One of our readers recognised the date of the incident and that her son-in-law had mentioned about helping someone early that morning. His details were passed to the family of the man who later died, 39-year-old Tim Moxey, but we now have another appeal we hope readers can help with.

Milkman and nurse
It’s thought that there may have been a milkman and a nurse on the scene when Tim collapsed and his family are very keen to hear from them.

The information is really important in piecing together what happened in the lead up to Tim’s premature and tragic death.

Can you help?
The family have not been told what street Tim was found on, but it was in Newport and he arrived at the hospital at around 6am on Saturday 18th April 2020.

If you were the person who found Tim that morning, or know who did, please get in touch so we can connect you with Tim’s family.

Comments have been turned off to avoid contempt of court.