£35,000 proposal for Floating Bridge generators welcomed, but replacement progress lacks speed argues councillor
Wightlink’s vehicle ferries diverted via Portsmouth International Port for week-long terminal works (updated)
11, July 2013·1 min readYour chance to see the beautiful Open Gardens of BonchurchWalking around the Open Gardens of Bonchurch is a lovely way to spend an afternoon or two.
13, July 2012·1 min readSee The Beautiful Gardens of Bonchurch12 gardens in Bonchurch open their gates to the public in aid of the Bonchurch Community Association
29, April 2008·1 min readDon’t Forget Arts and Craft FestivalThis is the time of the year that arty type people in the town and around, finish of their works...
9, July 2007·1 min readGreen Ventnor – Episode SixDon’t you just find all this talk about climate change, a big bore? We have all heard the arguments about...
27, June 2007·1 min readGreen Ventnor – Episode FiveVentnor is a very dangerous place to live, because it shields us from the reality of the global threat. We...
20, June 2007·1 min readGreen Ventnor: Episode FourExcuse me for raising this delicate subject, but it’s too important an event to be organised by a few emotionally...
13, June 2007·1 min readGreen Ventnor: Episode ThreeI visited Lynnbottom the other day and I saw some very useful items being skipped, and after I had wiped...
8, June 2007·1 min readGreen Ventnor: Episode TwoDon’t get me wrong, I’m no green purest. I do have many indulgences and I have learnt not to feel...