Wet Leg debuts new tracks at secret gigs under ‘Uma Thurman’ pseudonym in Brighton and London (photos)
Wet Leg debuts new tracks at secret gigs under ‘Uma Thurman’ pseudonym in Brighton and London (photos)
Has Island Roads really reopened Undercliff Drive? Confusion over suggested diversion route (updated)
1, February 2013·2 min readDavid Pugh: ‘I wish Steve well in retirement’Council leader on the departure of Chief Executive Steve Beynon
18, January 2013·2 min readCouncil leader responds to allegation of Conservatives’ stifling debateFollowing yesterday's announcement by Independent councillor, Jonathan Bacon, On The Wight has received the following response from Conservative council leader David Pugh.
21, December 2012·3 min readPlans for Newport’s Guildhall to house County Record OfficeCounty Record Office set to be re-established in the historic Nash building in the County Town says Island Conservatives ahead of papers being released by the council.
14, December 2012·2 min readLetter: New group hopes to buy a stake in ferry companiesCouncil leader says IWC are looking at setting up a group to buy a stake in one of the ferry companies
23, August 2012·3 min readCllr Pugh: Cabinet changes announcedShake up in the Cabinet at County Hall.
12, June 2012·2 min readPlans For One-Off Economic Initiatives Announced By ConservativesConservative councillors propose a number of one-off initiatives
1, March 2012·9 min readBudget Speech Made By Cllr David PughVB reproduce David Pugh's notes for his speech made at the full council budget meeting last night.
17, January 2012·2 min readConservatives Accelerate Plans For Youth Employment InitiativesCllr Pugh provides more detail on the plans to support investment into helping young people find work.
18, November 2011·1 min readStuart Hutchinson Wins West Wight SeatConservative candidate Stuart Hutchinson win West Wight by-election with a majority of 524.
5, October 2011·2 min readLetter To The Editor: ‘War Chest Claims Without Foundation’David Pugh responds to claims of the council administration building a 'war chest'
29, September 2011·7 min readWow Festival: Residents Set Up Action Group To Fight New FestivalAction group set up to fight Wow Festival
19, September 2011·2 min readDavid Pugh Responds To Chris Whitehouse Over Free School Transport ChangesResponse from council leader David Pugh to campaigners about the proposed Free School Transport Changes