Cosplay can be the starting point of a wildly successful fashion design career and what better place to present the finished item than in front of 300+ people on stage at Island Con.
As well as the successful cake sale that took place last weekend, Cineworld has an around the Island Walk, 2,500 mile static cycle, Bif Film Quiz and more planned to help raise money for Children in Need.
Those who register for this year's race will receive a free starter pack, courtesy of BetaPak. which contains everything needed to make a boat. Entries must be in for this year's race by 11pm on 2nd August.
This looks like great fun for all the family. Why not give it a go? You've got plenty of time to build your cardboard boat, but make sure you enter by 24th July.
The charity, based in Newport, Isle of Wight, are looking for intrepid people to walk the walk and follow in the footsteps of thousands of women and children across the world, who travel up to ten miles each day barefoot, to collect water.