trevor nicholas sitting outside Aspire
Heath will leave a strong legacy at Aspire Ryde, but Trevor, who has helped shape the organisation over the last 18 months and is fully committed to the Vision.
ryde aspire cheque
Kayleigh was passionate about Aspire Ryde and a great ambassador for the charity, so the cheque for £2,000 from TK Maxx was a fitting tribute from the employer of her great friend.
aspire ryde from david george film
The human story of love, how a community is protecting the future of this important building, the trust that has been developed throughout the community has been captured in this documentary about Aspire Ryde.
sewing box
The art of mending and upcycling was being lost, but now a whole new generation is picking up the thread and reusing what could end up in the trash. Drop-in sessions at Aspire in Ryde offer the chance to learn how to 'Mend and Make Do'.
Big Sleep Out
There's still time to take part in the Big Sleep Out tonight (Friday) and experience what some have to face every night. You'll also be raising much-needed money for Aspire Ryde and The Isle of Wight Bus Shelter.