The Leader of the Isle of Wight LibDems says that if the Prime Minister breaks his firm promise not to have an election, the most important decision for the Island is to think again and vote to stop Brexit.
Speaking from a position of knowledge, Nick Stuart says there's no chance of creating new trade deals around the world that will even begin to replace the damage of Brexit.
Leader of the Isle of Wight LibDems asks why can’t we have 16+ education that suits the needs and wishes of the Island? A diverse education system across the Island for a diverse population.
Leader of the Isle of Wight LibDems, who is also a teacher and professional sports coach, shares his view on the proposed registration of home schooled children.
With the involvement of ex-service people and others, Nick Stuart will be leading on this on the Island. The petition calls for Government support to set up PTSD centres, the Island being the first location if successful.
Well done to Henry Summerfield, Amy Huyton and George Collins, who have earned their Silver Awards from the British Academy of Fencing. No mean feat, as the sport requires years of training.