Sign at Belgrave Road Feb 2021

Belgrave Road: Ground investigations underway to determine cause of retaining wall collapse

Detailed ground investigations are being undertaken to confirm the cause of the collapse to the retaining wall at Belgrave Road in Ventnor.

The work started a fortnight ago and during these works, pedestrian access along Belgrave Road has been suspended.

Work could begin in the summer
Once the investigations are complete, it’s thought that repair work to the retaining wall and road could begin in early summer and be completed by the end of October 2021.

Work at Belgrave Road Feb 2021
Work at Belgrave Road Feb 2021
Work at Belgrave Road Feb 2021

Ward: Must ensure safety at all times
Isle of Wight council portfolio holder, Cllr Ian Ward, said,

It goes without saying that we will do all we can to complete the work in as short a timeframe as possible, though we must also ensure that at all times we maintain the safety of residents, local people and our workforce.”

It was at the end of January last year (2020) that part of the retaining wall at Belgrave Road failed.

Subsequently the site has been enclosed with wire netting to protect residents from any potential dislodged debris.

Sandbags are also in place to reduce the risk of surface water entering the failed area.

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