Mike Howley formal and playing

Bursaries of up to £1,500 available for Isle of Wight writers and performers aged 18 to 30-years-old

A decade after his passing, Mike Howley’s legacy continues to help support and inspire young Island creatives.

The Mike Howley Trust (MHT) has entered into a partnership with Platform One College of Music and Quay Arts to help disperse funds from the Trust to writers and performance artists on the Isle of Wight during the first half of 2023.

Bursaries of up to £1,500
Bursaries of up to £1,500 will be awarded to successful applicants to assist them in the purchase of equipment, training or services to help them realise their artistic aspirations.

The Trust is a legacy of the late Mike Howley who left part of his estate “for the specific benefit of aspiring young actors, musicians, dancers and writers, between the ages of 18 and 30, living on the Isle of Wight.”

Mike’s story
Michael Robin Howley was born in 1930 in Worksop, Nottinghamshire. In 1957 he became Branch Librarian in Chichester where he devoted much of his free time to playing violin for the local group of the English Folk Festival and Song Society.

In 1970 Mike moved to the Isle of Wight where he was appointed Deputy Head Librarian. He later became Director of the Isle of Wight Cultural Service, and then served as Director of the Isle of Wight Arts Council. He authored, co-authored, or edited several publications on cultural and historic subjects. From 1997 to 2012 he was Director of the Apollo Theatre Trust.

Mike was known as a consummate musician and accomplished accordionist, with a distinct playing style that helped shape the dances of both Martlet Morris (Chichester), and the Men of Wight of which he was a founder member. Mike Howley died in 2013 in East Cowes.

Awarding grants since 2016
The Trustees of MHT, the guardians of Mike’s legacy, began awarding funds in 2016.

Since then MHT has provided more than £150,000 to young Islanders to develop their creativity through a variety of means, including advanced training in choreography, recording studio costs, creative writing coaching, film pre-production, musical instrument purchase, circus skills equipment, and more.

Creatives who have benefited
Twenty creatives from across the Isle of Wight who benefitted from this support in 2021 and 2022 are Samuel Bossman, Beth Brookfield, Callum Burke, Andrew Butcher, Jaz Connell, Brandon Ford, Polly Green, Vojtech Gudyka, Jayden Hitchcock, Rafael Holmberg, Joram Hughes, Sam Lapham, Phoenix Lopes, Oliver Old, Sid Ryan, Hilary Seton, Edward Spencer, Nathan Stubbings, Josh Woodford, and Jack Wylds.

Guidelines and applications for the next round of funding are now available, and the application deadline is Sunday 5th March 2023.

Full time students on either the Platform One BA (Hons) Commercial Music or MA Music Industry Innovation and Enterprise study programmes must apply directly through Platform One.

How to apply
All other Islanders aged 18 to 30 can apply via the Website.

Mike Howley Trust is an independent funder managed by volunteer Trustees to support creativity on the Isle of Wight. Their funding programme is administered by Quay Arts. For further information contact [email protected]

News shared by Hannah on behalf of Quay Arts. Ed