Camp Bestival: VentnorBlog Ticket Competition Winner (video)

VentnorBlog Camp Bestival Competition WinnerThe time has come to announce the lucky winner of a family ticket for Camp Bestival which takes place in just over a week’s time.

Two adults and two under 16s will be enjoying free entrance and camping courtesy of those lovely folk at Bestival HQ.

The response to this competition has been unprecedented. We’ve had entries from all over the Island as well as the mainland, including such far flung places as London and Cardiff.

The youngest member of the VB team, dressed for the part as Alice from Wonderland did the honours picking out a winner from the entries this evening.

Through the power of YouTube, we bring you … the VentnorBlog Camp Bestival Competition Winner!

That’s 10 days for the winner to get your fancy dress outfits sorted. Congratulations Suze Keynes

The answer was of course Charles Lutwidge Dodgson.

Thanks to Alpha for picking out the winner and choosing the suitably appropriate background track.

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