Cheverton Down Wind Turbines: Cornwall Light and Power Interview, Part Two (Podcast)

Cheverton Down Wind Turbines: Cornwall Light and Power Interview Part twoThis is following on from the first part of the Cheverton Down interview with Cornwall Light and Power …

Here are some notes of what is covered in this section, but it’s best to have a listen to it for yourself as there’s loads more detail in there.

The Cheverton wind turbines will be visible from the mainland.

The blade sweep would be a 90 metres diameter. The hub height would be 80m high. From the base to the highest tip point would be 125m.

The new planning applications has the turbines have been reposition in a line to make them “more aesthetically pleasing layout.”

They’ve been taken back from the edge, which should “less visible from Brightstone and Shorewell.” They’ll be further away from the Worsley trail and the viewpoint.

Full environmental assessment have carried out, including bird surveys, bat surveys, ecological surveys.

The economics of the original, granted planning application still stack up.

CL&P have 14 year old turbine at Goonhilly, Cornwall that are being replaced.

The proposed Island new turbines are far more efficient and have ten times the capacity of the ones that are consented. [audio:]

Where’s the balance?

image: Random_fotos
Wind turbines surrounding the Delta Project, in Zeeland, NL.

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