Residents encouraged to tackle speeding in their communities

Community Speedwatch:

This in from the police, in their own words. Ed

Residents on the Isle of Wight are joining a scheme called Community SpeedWatch, which aims to educate drivers on the effects of speeding and help prevent motorists speeding through towns and villages.

The launch of the first SpeedWatch scheme took place on Friday in Brading High Street.

Residents feed info back to Police
The speed of traffic will be monitored and volunteers will record the details of those vehicles that exceed the speed limit. These details are then passed to police officers and letters are sent to the registered owners advising them that their vehicle was seen exceeding the speed limit and warning them of the risks this poses to themselves and others.

Superintendent Will Schofield said:

“Many people on the Isle of Wight tell us that speeding vehicles are an important community concern. This initiative allows volunteers to address the issue of speeding by becoming actively involved in road safety.

“SpeedWatch is about education primarily, but if there is a consistent problem then we will ensure police enforcement actively supports the educational activity so we can slow people down, improve peoples knowledge and reduce road death and injury.

“This approach to dealing with speeding does not replace what police officers already do, it actually means more preventative activity can take place in areas of concern.”

If you are interest in becoming a Speedwatch volunteer you can find more information on the Hampshire Police Website.

Image: Hursley Village under CC BY 2.0