Daft Old Duffer: Clothing Advice Required

Anther instalment from VB reader and contributor Daft Old Duffer. Ed

Followers of the VB discussion forum may recall I have recently purchased an electric bike.

Daft Old Duffer: Clothing Advice Required It’s a little too soon to give my impressions of it, though first reactions are very positive.

What I would like know though are your thoughts on what I should wear when out cycling.

It’s been quite a while for me and I don’t want to look ridiculous. I shall of course shave my legs and stain them with cold tea – a la the Tour de France. And I rather thought lycra shorts in a delicate shade of lilac.

I am, to be honest, a trifle worried about the shorts, having watched camera shots taken on the Tour, from the front and at saddle level.

However, having examined myself quite carefully in Aunt Ermintrude’s full length mirror, the one on her oak wardrobe, I think I shall not cause overmuch scandal on that score.

Of rather greater concern is whether they will clash with the set of Fair Isle jumpers I habitually wear when the wind is a bit chilly. And what is the best way to keep up my grey woolly socks?

The rest I have more or less decided on; sandals in the dry and my short green wellies when it’s damp. On my head my usual flat cap in grey and black check, with the protective helmet thingy over (I’m still worried about that ridiculous helmet thing – I think it may make me look a bit gormless).

To protect my eyes from those tiny fly things I have one of those plastic goggles painters wear,and to keep my fingers warm my other aunt, Gravina, is keeping me supplied with home knitted gloves in a nice fluorescent yellow – so people can see my hand signals. Very important that, I’m sure you’ll agree.

What do you think?

I’m particularly anxious not to come across as too overtly sexy.

I don’t want any overly excited ladies hurling themselves at me for procreational purposes.

My bike may have a good battery charge. Unfortunately I have not.#

Image: Meanest Indian