David in marathon challenge for Brain Tumour Charity

Islander David Churchill is currently in training to take part in next year’s Virgin London Marathon.

His motivation for taking part is to raise money and awareness for The Brain Tumour Charity. The subject is very close to David’s heart as his partner suffered a brain tumour earlier this year. He says they were lucky, with a better outcome than most, so anything he can do to help raise awareness of the issue and fund research into brain tumours, he’ll thrown himself into.

Campaigning for faster scan times
David tells us that the charity is campaigning to get this condition treated faster by ensuring better information goes out to schools, parents and doctors in recognising the vital signs.

It is also campaigning to bring the scan waiting time down in hospitals, This would mean a better outcome in starting treatment, therefore leading to better survivor rates. He explains that scan times have come down from 12 weeks wait to an average of seven weeks. This is all due to hard campaigning.

Show your support
David finishes by telling that that considering he’s 58 years old and has not run for ten years, it could be quite a challenge. Here’s wishing you all the best David, both with your training and taking part next April.

If you’d like to support David, you can do so through David’s Just Giving page.

Image: Tim Tak under CC BY 2.0