Do Traffic Wardens Have Ticket Targets On The Wight?

Following on from the article at the weekend about the Isle of Wight council parking attendant parked on a double yellow line whilst issuing tickets at Puckpool Park.

Puckpool ParkThe subject of parking tickets targets for parking attendants is often raised both here and on the Mainland, so we asked the Isle of Wight council the following …

“We’ve had considerable comment on VB about the issuing of parking tickets, so could you find answers to the following questions please.

  1. Are the people work for the council expected to issue a certain number of parking tickets?
  2. Are the number of tickets that they issue ever reviewed?
  3. Has any person been moved away from the position or lost their job if they haven’t issued enough parking tickets?”

Council response
Late yesterday afternoon, we received the following response from the council.

Alex Minns, IW Council strategic manager for leisure, recreation and parks, said: “Parking regulations are in place to ensure traffic flows as freely and as safely as possible.

“Civil enforcement officers (CEO) are not required to issue a target number of tickets, therefore no CEO has been disciplined in this respect.

“The number of tickets issued are monitored across ‘beat areas’ in order that parking trends and any issues arising from those trends can be acted upon if necessary.

“All council staff are expected to comply with traffic regulations in the same way as other road users.”

Image: © Lee Firth