dots for pots message and artwork

‘Dots for Pots’ aims to raise money to help those on low incomes grow their own fruit and veg next spring

Isle of Wight artist and founder of the Green Island Veg Economy (GIVE) Facebook Group, Holly Maslen has launched a new scheme to help residents on low incomes to grow their own veg next year.

Holly has set herself a new challenge to draw 50 mini artworks in order to raise money to buy terracotta pots for people on the Island who are short of cash and want to grow their own fruit and vegetables next year.

Dots for Pots £500 target
writing on the Green Island Veg Economy Facebook Group, Holly says,

“I’ll post a drawing every day and the first person to comment “YES” can purchase the drawing for £11 (£1 to cover postage and £10 to buy pots).

“After you’ve commented I will message you. Each drawing comes in a brown sleeve explaining the purpose of the challenge.

“Let’s raise £500 smackers and get front gardens full of veggie pots ready for next Spring.”

The first two artworks have already been secured by GIVE fans. Check in again on the public GIVE Facebook Group to see what Holly comes up with for artwork number three of 50.

What’s the Green Island Veg Economy?
Green Island Veg Economy (GIVE) is a Facebook group dedicated to all things which can be grown at home or on your allotment, and the insects and creatures who join you.

It is a place to share knowledge, tips advice and photos.

The end result is the hope that hundreds, if not thousands of you here on the Isle of Wight will grow your own, and share surplus crops by leaving these in your front garden for others to collect for free.