Dramatic Surfer Helicopter Rescue At Ventnor (Photo Gallery)

Dramatic Surfer Helicopter Rescue At Ventnor (Photos)The Isle of Wight Coastguard sprung into action this evening on the Ventnor coast to rescue two surfers who were drifting and unable to return to shore.

We were able to comprehensively photograph the rescue.

In a dramatic rescue that attracted a lot of public attention, their helicopter swooped around the surfers on their boards before the winchman was lowered into the water, picking up each surfer in turn.

Once the surfers were safely on board, the winchman returned to salvage the boards too.

Over the 15 minutes that the rescue took, the boards drifted a considerable distance making it clear how the surfers got into difficulties in the first place.

Coastguards do an amazing job, risking life and limb to save those in trouble. Amazing to think that someone tried to attack one of them after being saved isn’t it?

To see large versions of the photos below, simply click on the thumbnails, then click on the arrows at the bottom to advance through the photos. Clicking on the numbers at the bottom of the group of thumbnails will take you to the next set.

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