Finding The Skate Ramp: Just A Matter Of Time

We’ve got a full report of Saturday’s StreetStyle event at the Ventnor skate park coming out next week, but in the meantime, we have some news to pass on.

The organisers hired in two bits of skating kit for the day – a small mobile skate ramp and a grind rail to carry out the competition on.

News reaches us that some clod made off with them during the clearing at the end of the day (guess the mobile ramp turned out to be more mobile than expected).

Whoever it was that did it, must have been caught up in the excitment of the event and not thinking too clearly.

Anyone who thinks they can squirel this kind of kit away on the Island and not have word of it eventally slip out, is kidding themselves.

The organisers aren’t looking for retribution, just the kit back, so to avoid future embarassment, best to just drop it off at the skate park or elsewhere and give a call to 853216 to say where it can be found.

As they rented the kit for the day, replacing them will take a big chunk out of the money to improve the skatepark, hitting all of the skaters in the South Wight, as well as wiping out the £170 raised on the day.

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