Photos from Later with Jools 25th Anniversary concert and book cover

Former Head of BBC Music to discuss ‘Later…with Jools Holland’ at Ventnor BookNote Sessions

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If you’ve ever watched ‘Later …..with Jools Holland’ on TV, you might interested in snapping up tickets for this debut Ventnor BookNote Sessions event.

The Ventnor BookNote Sessions are a series of book talks on music and the arts organised by EEL Productions.

Former head of BBC Music
The first event sees Mark Cooper, the former head of BBC Music head to Ventnor to discuss his book, ‘Later …..with Jools Holland, 30 Years of Magic and Mayhem’.

Mark Cooper co-created the show in 1992 and then went on to produce every show until his retirement last year.

The event will feature seminal clips of performances from the show on the big screen. 

Where and when
The first Ventnor BookNote Sessions takes place on Friday 21st April, 7.30pm at Ventnor Arts Club.

Tickets are £6 each and can be booked via EventBrite.

Image: Lauren Harris under CC BY 2.0