vectis blue school bus

Four South Wight school bus routes scrapped: Forcing pupils to use ‘overcrowded’ public buses

Families in South Wight have been shocked to discover this week that all their school buses to Newport secondary schools – except one – have been scrapped by the Isle of Wight Council for the start of the new term – leaving many desperate pupils tackling overcrowded public buses to get back into the classroom.

Students who travel from Ventnor, Wroxall, Whitwell, Chale and Niton and surrounding villages found out that the numbers 316, 318, 405 and 406 school buses to Medina College, Christ the King and Carisbrooke College now no longer exist (see bus routes for 2020/21).

Overcrowding on public buses
Pupils have reported that often these buses would be full, and sometimes standing room only. Currently only two alternative scheduled buses leave Ventnor at 0735 (number 3) and Whitwell at 0754 (number 6) – resulting in dozens of students having to cram into public buses at a time of pandemic when social distancing is crucial to keep people safe.

In recent weeks, Southern Vectis have hinted that they will provide their “own dedicated school buses”, but time is running out and services are yet to be published. Southern Vectis tweeted today (17.08.20) that they hope to post further information on their Website by the end of the day.

Cooke: We need to support our young people, keep cars off the roads and cut pollution
Liz Cooke from St Lawrence, which is not on a public bus route,

“So many families rely on these four school buses.

“We already had to drive to Whitwell to drop off our son, and with the complete scrapping of the school bus service many families will have no choice but to use their cars – if they are lucky enough to have that option.

“There will be tired young people, either being late to school or having to hang around Newport for time, adding hours to their school days. This will hugely impact their ability to learn.

“We need to support our young people, keep cars off the roads and cut pollution. Please Southern Vectis, can you ensure that extra school buses will be available for the South Wight to get all our children to school on time.”

Help others find out more
Campaigners believe that many families still have no idea that the bus services have been cancelled. 

Families affected by the withdrawal of the South Wight school buses are urged to get in touch with other parents via Facebook by requesting to join the group “316/318/405/406 – South Wight Bus Cancellations”.

News OnTheWight has asked the council for their thinking behind the cuts to the school bus routes.

News shared by behalf of families in South Wight. Ed