Friends Approve NHS Bids Worth Over £100,000

Thanks to George for news of this large donation to the hospital. Ed

The board of the Friends of St Mary’s Hospital have agreed to fund equipment costing a total of £110,722.6p in their latest list of approved bids from those providing NHS-related services on the Island.

Altogether 23 bids made up the total. They range from an oral cancer screening system for St Mary’s personal dental service, to emergency lifting cushions for the Ambulance Service, and a continuous glucose monitoring system for a paediatric diabetes nurse.

Friends of The Friends
The Friends are a charity whose members are largely unpaid volunteers.

Their funding comes from legacies and donations, plus the profit from the cafe and shop in the hospital’s foyer, and from their ward trolley service.

Geoffrey Banks, the Friends’ chairman, said, “We are delighted to be able to top up the facilities provided by the NHS on the Island. I would like to thank everyone who has so generously contributed in some way to our work, We know it is all so much appreciated by patients, relatives and NHS staff.”

He added that the Friends were always looking for more volunteers who can give up a few hours a week to help in the shop and dispense refreshments.

Image: © Used with the kind permission of Auntie P