County Hall:

A great chance for young Islanders to help make a difference

This in from the council, in their own words. Ed

Nominations are being sought ahead of the election which take place towards the end of March. Elections are also being held for a member and deputy member for the UK Youth Parliament

The IWYC works closely with the Isle of Wight Council making sure that young people’s views are taken into account when forming policies and making decisions. The IWYC also lobbies on behalf of young people about Island issues and projects. The age range is 11 to 21 and there are 24 elected youth councillors.

Ensuring young people’s views count
The Island’s Youth MP and deputy are also co-opted on to the youth council. To stand as youth MP or deputy youth MP you need to be aged 11 to 18 years old.

In the last two years, youth council members have contributed to Isle of Wight’s scrutiny committee, the budget review process and consulted on the review into the new youth offer.

Isle of Wight Council leader, and lead member for children’s services, councillor Jonathan Bacon, said:

“The youth council is not about politics, but democracy and giving young people on the Island a voice about where they live, study and work.

“Decisions taken today will impact in the future and it is vital that young people can make a contribution to matters that will affect them in later life.”

Elections will take place online between 19 to 22 March, details of which will be announced nearer the time.

The closing date for nominations to be received is Wednesday 4 March.

Anyone interested in standing can download an application pack from, email [email protected] or call 01983 823351.

Image: Simon Haytack under CC BY 2.0