Harlem Shake hits the Isle of Wight

We wondered when the ‘Harlem Shake’ phenomenon was going to hit the Isle of Wight and we had our answer this afternoon.

A band of merry young Islanders made their way around Ryde, dancing as they went and enjoying the freedom of half-term holidays!

We expect they brought a smile to the faces of shoppers and workers in the town, as they danced their way through the streets, many in bizarre costume combinations.

If you haven’t heard of the ‘Harlem Shake’ phenomenon, it started earlier this month and has stretched across the globe. A quick search on YouTube reveals video memes from around the world.

Thanks to Ben Rue for the heads-up.

Quick history
Harlem Shake is the latest Internet fad, or Meme, to blow up online. There’s a good ‘history’ of it at
KnowYOurMeme (always a good place to check out how real these memes are).
We’re chuckling to ourselves to see serious newspapers writing about this too, the latest example is the Wall Street Journal (No less!) with their article, Why the Harlem Shake Matters

22.Feb.13 11:51 Added ‘Quick history’ section.

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