International Women's Day Bands

International Women’s Day: #BreakTheBias by calling out harassment or abuse against women and girls

Isle of Wight Council has renewed its pledge to tackle bias and discrimination ahead of International Women’s Day on Tuesday 8th March.

International Women’s Day is a global event celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. This year’s theme calls on all people to #BreakTheBias – no matter how they identify – to call out bias, break inequality, smash stereotypes and reject discrimination.

Violence against women and girls
The council is also using International Women’s Day as a chance to speak out about harassment and violence faced by women and girls.

80 per cent of reported sexual offences on the Island have a female victim, with a high percentage committed against women under 24 years old.

Peacey-Wilcox: Women often face deliberate or unconscious bias and discrimination
Council Leader, Lora Peacey-Wilcox, said,

“Our re-affirmed commitment aims to work towards an Island that is gender equal, free of bias, stereotypes and discrimination and to call it out when we see it happening.

“However, it is a sad fact that that women often face deliberate or unconscious bias and discrimination. Whether deliberate or unconscious, this can hold women back from achieving their full potential.

“Along with my colleagues, I continue to pledge to call it out when I see this type of behaviour, and I call on the whole Island community to #BreakTheBias and do the same.”

Raising awareness of violence against women and girls
Supported by funding from the Home Office and the Police Crime Commissioner, Isle of Wight Council, with Portsmouth City Council is rolling out several schemes to raise awareness of violence against women and girls in the community, show how we can all help address damaging attitudes and behaviours, and support people who have experienced harassment and sexual violence.

  • The Isle of Wight Council is working with People Matter Isle of Wight and Portsmouth Abuse and Rape Counselling Service (PARCS), to create a network of businesses and venues across the Island and Portsmouth where staff are trained to look out for abusive behaviour and support those who have experienced harassment or sexual violence.
  • People who work with the public during the evenings and at night, such as bar staff and taxi drivers, are being invited to free training sessions to learn how bystanders can help combat crime.
  • Additional CCTV will be made available for locations in Ryde.
  • In partnership with Paragon, schools are being offered sessions on how to be a positive bystander and call out damaging attitudes. 
  • The Isle of Wight Council is working alongside Portsmouth City Council and with PARCS to establish a new helpline that people can text or call to help map places that feel unsafe or to seek support if they’ve experienced sexual or hate-based abuse.

Stephens: Calling out harassment or abuse
Cabinet lead  for community safety, Cllr Ian Stephens, said,

“It is a sad fact that most women will have experienced some form of harassment or abuse in public places.

“There is Island help and support available – you’re not alone. We can all play our part in changing behaviour by calling this out whenever we see it to help #BreakTheBias.”

Local support
If you have experienced harassment, sexual violence or abuse, help and support is available locally:

  • Isle of Wight Independent Sexual Violence Adviser (ISVA) 07930 932249
  • The Island’s domestic abuse support service Paragon 0800 234 6266
  • Treetops Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC) 023 9221 0352
  • Southampton Rape Crisis: 023 8063 6313
  • Hampshire Constabulary: 101 or 999 in an emergency
  • Broken Rainbow (LGBT): 0300 999 5428
  • Local support is available for women and girls affected by sexual violence through Portsmouth Abuse and Rape Counselling (PARCS):   
  • You can use the pilot service StreetSafe to anonymously tell the police about public places where you have felt or feel unsafe  

International Women’s Day
There are also lots of ways people can show their support this International Women’s Day:

  • Strike the International Women’s Day 2022 pose – crossing both arms as an X – and share on social media with the hashtag #BreakTheBias.
  • Share the commitment to call out gender bias
  • Learn more about the forms abuse can take, the impact of abuse and how you can take a positive stance against violence and harassment. Visit
  • Full details of the themes and how people can get involved is on the International Women’s Day website

News shared by Isle of Wight council press office, in their own words. Ed

Image: cheshirefireservice under CC BY 2.0