Island Teachers Support The Campaign And March

This in from Stop The Cuts Alliance, in their own words. Ed

People marching through NewportSaturday’s mass rally and march through Newport will bring together many diverse groups united in opposition to the proposed Tory cuts budget.

The National Union of Teachers (NUT) has been a key element of the Alliance since the first public meeting back in mid-January. Many of their members will be making their voices heard on Saturday.

“Concerned at corrosive effect of cuts”
John McGee, secretary of the Island NUT branch explains why he and his members will be joining the throng, “I am extremely concerned at the corrosive effect which the cuts will have on the economy of the Island, on the educational opportunities here, on local employment and on the physical and mental well-being of children and their families – across the full age-range, from childhood to aged grandparents.

“Libraries and swimming pools, youth clubs and safe beaches are extremely important to – and in some instances statutory requirements – for children’s education, safety and development, intellectually and socially. The positive outlets which they provide serve to reduce anti-social behaviour and crime.”

“Cuts are too fast”
John added, “the proposed cuts are too severe and are being brought in too fast. They betray the true political purpose of the ruling group, which is to look after the well-off and the able and ignore the weak, the needy, the poor and those whom they consider to be powerless.”

Dominic Coughlin, NUT president on the Island, refers to a survey of teachers carried out earlier this month. “A whopping 94% of Island NUT members, who responded to the e-mail survey, believed that the local cuts would educationally disadvantage pupils and students in Island schools. Furthermore, 90% of the respondents thought that the employment prospects for school leavers are poor on the Isle of Wight. That’s why the teachers will be out in force on Saturday!”

Where and when
The march starts at Newport Quay At 11am on Saturday 19th February.

Free coaches are running around the Island to and from the demo.