Has Island Roads really reopened Undercliff Drive? Confusion over suggested diversion route (updated)
9, November 2012·1 min readJames Hickman and Dan Cassidy return to the IslandFolk duo return to the Island on 1st December in Brading.
7, November 2012·1 min readArthur Reeder opens Winter Lectures at Roman VillaFind out about Arthur Reeder's amazing collection of post boxes in the first of the series of Winter Lecture from the Friends of Brading Roman Villa.
17, October 2012·1 min readBardon Vectis volunteers help with chalk grassland restorationGreat work by volunteers from Bardon Vectis with the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust on chalk grassland restoration project
11, October 2012·1 min readBrading Bash 2012: Come and join in the funAn incredible number of events are taking place in Brading over the next three days.
31, August 2012·1 min readBrading sewage problem: Third party mis-connected pipe to sewerFurther to the problems residents and businesses in Brading have experienced due to a sewage leak on the High Street, we have an update from Southern Water
30, August 2012·1 min readWe’re taking raw sewage problem seriously, say Southern WaterSouthern Water say they are taking the issue seriously
29, August 2012·1 min readLack of action over raw sewage causing a stink in BradingSeveral weeks of raw sewage running down Brading High Street (and being splashed onto pedestrians) has left the resident not best pleased.
25, June 2012·1 min readComplicated Application To Change Site Of Former Brading ExperienceBreaking down the detailed planning application to alter the site of the former Brading Experience.
25, June 2012·1 min readSignal Failure On Train Line Caused Unwelcome Disruption For CommutersCommuters and school children affected by train line signal problems earlier today
19, June 2012·1 min readFrom the Olympic Games to CowesA roundup of sailing news from Alan and Suzanne Whitewood
2, April 2012·1 min readBrading Community Choir LaunchedAll welcome to join Brading's new community choir - they meet Tuesday evenings (7.15) at the Town Hall
22, March 2012·1 min readAppeal After Woman Bitten By Dog Near BradingPolice appeal for witnesses after elderly woman bitten by dog near Brading