Isle of Wight 2010 Election: Candidate Q&A: National Issue 13: No To Military Action Against Iran

Isle of Wight 2010 Election: Candidate Q&A: National Issue 13: No To Military Action Against IranThis is part of a series of eighteen questions from The Democracy Club asked of the Isle of Wight candidates in the 2010 General Election (background).

National statement thirteen: Even if Iran develops a nuclear weapon, Britain should not support any military action against Iran.

Candidate Position
Ian Dunsire (English Democrats Party) is neutral
“Never say never – English Democrats are against aggression but circumstances may arise where action is safer than inaction.”

Bob Keats (Green Party) agrees
“Within a generation I beleive Iran will revert to being a highly educated liberal government.”

Pete Harris (Independent) strongly disagrees
“Iran is a far greater threat to world stability than Iraq ever was. The war in Iraq was wrong, Iran and its leadership however are about as dangerous as could be.”

Paul Martin (Middle England Party) agrees
“Any one who actually unleashes a nuclear weapon is assured of their own destruction – I do not believe the Iranians are that stupid. They fear us and need to make a statement of equality in this are.”

Paul David Randle-Jolliffe (Independent) strongly agrees
“Unless Iran is 1st the agressor no we should not.”

Mark Chiverton  (Labour Party) strongly agrees
“Britain is itself a nuclear power and we should not go to war with a country just because it develops such weapons. There need to be multilateral talks aimed at general reduction and eventual elimination of nuclear warheads.”

Michael Tarrant  (UK Independence Party – UKIP) disagrees
“We must judge the issue when it occurs – not bind the hands of our leaders in advance.”

Jill Wareham  (Liberal Democrats) agrees
“Unless they threaten their neighbours or other countries”

Those who didn’t provide responses: Andrew Turner – Conservative, Geof Clynch – BNP and Edward Corby – Independent

The idea for this whole idea came from the excellent The Democracy Club and answers are hosted by the splendid
Election issue of TheyWorkForYou.

Image: bredgur under CC BY 2.0