A former service user at one of the Isle of Wight's mental health day centres, shares his story of being saved from suicide and why he believes closing the centres will be false economy that could end in tragedy.
Cllr Lumley says the £200k 'saving' which could result in roads falling apart from day one after the PFI contract expires is short-sighted and "badly letting down the Island who were promised so much by Eddie Giles and his pals”.
One member of the Scrutiny Committee said the plans put them 'at risk of corporate manslaughter'. The responsible Cabinet member gave assurances the plans were safe.
An increase in planning fees, overnight car parking charges and reduction in special responsibility allowances are just some of the highlights of the Conservatives' alternative budget.
Members of the committee agreed to the sharing of Stuart Love's role with Southampton City Council. The six month trial will see him, Director of Environment, working three days a week for the Island and two days a week for Southampton.