Spare paint of any colour, plyboard and zip ties are needed to help decorate and make the site safe for the very first One Life Festival next month. Can you help?
This event is being put on by the local Parent Carer Forum – Parents Voice – to make sure that everyone affected by the SEN review has the opportunity to have their say. Please let others who might be affected know.
Following the vote in Parliament last night to carry out air strikes in Syria, Islanders are planning to gather for a candlelit peace vigil later today (Thursday)
With so many new members waiting to join Girlguiding IW, the Island Commissioners are looking for adult volunteers to fill a range of posts from occasional helper to Unit Leader. Find out more by booking to attend roadshow.
Find out more at tonight's talk from someone intimately involved with a pioneering banana co-operative, set up in a region that's been the theatre of armed conflicts involving revolutionary and guerrilla groups.