Jill Wareham’s Response To Isle of Wight Council Job Cuts

Lib Dem Response To Isle of Wight Council Job CutsIn response to the news that the Isle of Wight Council is due to cut at least 200 jobs, Liberal Democrat Prospective Parliamentary Candidate, Jill Wareham is, understandably, not very happy.

The Council have blamed the economic downturn for the proposed cuts jobs, but she feels that they should not be using that as an excuse, but rather “reflect on their waste and incompetence.”

“Many of the people who will lose their jobs are likely to be those providing front line services, such as supporting young people and their families.

“Not only will it affect those people who will then be struggling to pay the everyday household bills and mortgage but it will also affect support services to our local communities.

“This Council has had good settlements from government during its term of office. They have raided reserves and increased borrowing. Since 2005 they have wasted our money on increasing the number of highly paid directors, employed interim directors and consultants at huge cost and commissioned reports that tell you the same thing we knew four years ago.

“They have wasted well over £3 million on the Undercliff Drive. They employed a Chief Executive who lasted 2 years, cost us over £650,000 and did not improve the Council’s star rating which remains doggedly at 2. The cutting of these posts will mean cuts to services.”