A ghost sign advertising matches in Blyth, Northumberland - Historic England Archive
© Historic England Archive DP087752

Join Historic England’s quest to preserve urban history through ghost signs

Historic England has launched an appeal for citizens to submit photos of ‘ghost signs’ to help them understand more about where these pieces of our past can be found.

They explain,

“Ghost signs can come in many forms, but typically they are historic hand-painted advertising signs, or old shop signs preserved on buildings which have since changed use.

“Often found in urban areas, ghost signs are an important part of the historic fabric on our high streets. These faded relics can tell us much about our collective architectural, cultural and social history.”

Add your ghost sign photos
To contribute to this initiative, simply upload your images and stories to HE map. Quite a few have already been added, particularly in the county town, Newport.

We often see photos of ghost signs pop up on the Isle of Wight Heritage Group, so if you have some to add, head over to the Historic England website.