Lego woman and man celebrating with cakes and balloons

Let us know how you’d like to see the future of News OnTheWight as we mark our 16th birthday

Today (28th September 2021) marks the 16th year of us publishing news on the Isle of Wight.

News has changed a lot in the last 16 years and we feel like now is a good time to review where we are and where we’d like to be. 

Tell us what you think
A major part of that is understanding what you, as valued readers, would like from your Isle of Wight news service. 

We’ve compiled a very short survey (link below) and would appreciate the few minutes it will take to share your feedback. That way we can make sure that how the publication evolves, fits with what you’re looking for.

Take the survey

Thanks in advance for your time, feedback and support.

Image: Hello I’m Nik under CC BY 2.0