Letter to the Editor: Volunteers needed for Community Speed Watch

We always welcome a Letter to the Editor to share with our readers. This one from Philippe Wines on the subject of speeding. Ed

I see that Newport Police have obtained a ‘Community Speed Watch’ kit and are looking for volunteers to help monitor speeding hotspots.

It is not exactly clear how the system will work, but this is good news for those who agree that many of our roads in Newport have clearly sunk into a state of complete anarchy.

They appear to be ruled by the yobs and yobettes in their defectively exhausted go-fast machines! Look at the number of serious injury and fatal accidents that have happened over the last few months across the Island.

Are they monitoring the right roads?
Most will be familiar with the Island’s predictable police speed-trap spots where they either park a camera van at the side of the road or hide behind a tree with a camera or speed gun.

I have never seen any police speed monitoring in places like Pyle Street, Carisbrooke Road and Carisbrooke High Street, to name just a few.

7% of vehicles within speed limit
Just over a year ago I spent 25 minutes of an early summer evening by the electronic speed indicator in Carisbrooke Road just before its junction with Cedar Hill. Some 70 or so vehicles were driven from east to west and only 7% of them were driven within the speed-limit of 30mph.

Two yobs seemed to be racing and the indicator flashed speeds of 62mph as they flew through, not even slowing at the mini-roundabout at the bottom of Cedar Hill.

Volunteers needed
I would urge all who want to improve road safety and reduce traffic noise to volunteer for this scheme.

Contact Councillor Julie Jones-Evans on Tel. 521068 or 07792 6772198 or visit [email protected].

Image: Matt Erasmus under CC BY 2.0