signage for public toilets

Letter: What right have IWC got to interfere with public toilets, now looked after by town and parish councils?

OnTheWight always welcomes a Letter to the Editor to share with our readers – unsurprisingly they don’t always reflect the views of this publication. If you have something you’d like to share, get in touch and of course, your considered comments are welcome below.

This from independent town (Shanklin Central) and parish (Lake North) councillor Adrian Whittaker. Ed

I have with interest looked at the announcements from Cllr Jonathan Bacon about the investment in more staff to ensure the Island stays litter-free this summer.

The vast majority of proposals I welcome, but at what cost to the tax payers once the Welcome Back Fund has been used?

Ultimately the Isle of Wight council would need to budget for this to continue or will it be another burden for local town and parish councils?

Inspection of seafront toilets
The proposal that concerns me is the inspecting of seafront toilets and reporting any issues.

All seafront toilets, apart from the dilapidated toilets in Pier Street, Sandown and the Spa site in Shanklin, have all been handed to town and parish councils, and they maintain them, pay for cleaning and the maintenance.

What right have IWC got to interfere?
So what right have the Isle of Wight council got to interfere in assets they have pushed onto town and parish councils to look after with no financial support?

Many of these toilets also were liable for business rates until it was recently abolished, thanks to much lobbying by individuals to central government.  

No consultation
Most of the public toilets were handed to town and parish councils in a terrible state of repair, this was due to lack of investment by the Isle of Wight council over a substantial amount of years.

Now with no consultation they wish to inspect town and parish councils assets (liabilities) with no financial contribution for their upkeep.

Better spent on extra signage or refurbishing public realm
Most local councils pay into the environment officer scheme that covers the beach and toilets, I personally think this part of the Welcome Back Fund could have been spent on extra signage or refurbishing existing public realm areas. 

Image: Yena Kwon under CC BY 2.0