natasha Lambert on ARC Dec 2020

Meet the crew of Blown Away: Natasha Lambert’s crew in the Atlantic Challenge Race

Natasha Lambert and her crew have had to battle with some pretty vicious storms in the last week on their yacht Blown Away, as they take part in the cross-Atlantic challenge to raise £30,000 for three charities.

Tash was born with Athetoid Cerebral Palsy, which affects her limbs and confines her to a wheelchair. She sails using a clever ‘Sip and Puff’ system created by her Dad.

Blown Away still has 678 nautical miles to sail and, according to the Yellow Brick Tracker, are 8th in the multihull class.

As promised last month, here’s a little bit about Tash’s crew of friends, family and the amazing support network behind her.

Natasha Lambert – Tash is the heart of the crew, the driver of the adventure with a keen spirit to push boundaries and chase down the horizon.

Mandy Lambert – Mother of not only Tash and Rachel but the mother to the crew. Mandy is the organising force behind every adventure, the one who makes sure everyone is where they should be.

Rachel Lambert – The adventurous younger sister of Tash, a supporting hand for her sister. Rachel has been blogging and recording the trip so far and helping to share the message to the world.

Gary Lambert – Dad, brains and engineering wiz… Gary created the Sip-puff technology within all of Natasha’s boats that allow her to sail. When he’s not fixing things, he is the Skipper on board Blown Away, Aye Captain!

Angela Cross – Lifelong family friend with her own adventurous nature. Angela is a keen fundraiser and sister to Sue.

Mike Acton – Professional skipper and friend to the Lambert’s… Mike is teaching Natasha her Day Skipper and Yacht-Master courses and helped to prepare the family for the Atlantic.

Neil Oliver – Physiotherapist and keen sailor, Neil has a useful skill set to assist Natasha with this adventure across an Ocean. Neil happens to be married to Sue as well…

Sue Bailey – Friend of the Lambert family, married to Neil, sister to Angela and has worked with Natasha for 8 years!

Follow their progress
You can follow the progress via the Yellow Brick Tracker (they are marked in brown as Gary Lambert). Simply download the App for free and search for Blown Away in the ARC 2020 Race.

There are also updates on the MissIsle Blog, and of course the Facebook Page.

Show your support
During the challenge to sail across the Atlantic Ocean Tash is hoping to raise a target of £30,000 for three charities; the MissIsle Charity, The Ellen Macarthur Cancer Trust and The RNLI.

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