Mill Bay: Just Say No

Mill Bay: Let the Torrent Begin

Here we go folks – This coming Tuesday (25th) the IW Planning Committee is discussing the application to knock down the Victorian pub, the Mill Bay, to replace it with a five-story building, primarily a block of flats.

Expect lots of postings here in the run up to Tuesday. We’ll also be covering the planning meeting live.

Some people might think that Ventnor Blog got its nose bloodied over Cheetah Marine’s successful application to build over the eastern esplanade car park. We went on about it – lots – and it went through anyway.

Well, lots was learnt from that process. The biggest lesson – when people show their opposition or support at a council meeting, it’s far more likely to go in the direction they want, rather than if they don’t show. (See the difference between the Priory School outcome and Cheetah Marine).

It’s not over yet
Some people are saying that it’s all over – that nothing can be done about it.

That’s not the case.

There still is a chance to get the outcome that you want from this.

The time when it’s hard to do something about it is on Wednesday morning, when the decision has been made :). Then you can bitch all you like, but it’s not going to make any difference.

Action leading up to Tuesday – and importantly at the planning meeting on Tuesday – will have an effect.

So, if you don’t want to lose what’s within the grey lines, you know what to do.

Mill Bay: Let the Torrent Begin

(Pictures are our ‘artistic impression’ of what will be lost if the Mill Bay plans were to go through. Yes … it’s that shocking, some might even call it crass. OK, we haven’t put the gaps between the three towers, but from this angle it isn’t going to make any difference.)