Person working in a lab

More Isle of Wight women say GP surgeries are refusing cervical screenings during Lockdown

A couple of weeks ago News OnTheWight ran an article about a reader who was struggling to be seen for a cervical screening at her GP surgery.

The reader explained how she was told point blank that these tests were not being carried out during Lockdown and that she would be placed on a waiting list.

Others having problems too
The CCG told News OnTheWight, “all practices on the Island are offering smear tests, both route and urgent”, so we asked readers if anyone else had experienced a problem getting booked in for a cervical screening (also known as a smear test).

Although around 20+ women responding said they had no problem securing a cervical screening with their surgeries, several readers got in touch to echo the words of the reader featured in our article.

“It is very upsetting and frustrating”
One reader told News OnTheWight,

“I received my yearly letter two weeks ago and phoned surgery to book an appointment. I got told by receptionist that the clinics are not running at the moment due to latest government advice and that she would put me on the waiting list for when they re-commence and that they would then work there way through the list and contact me when they can.

“I asked if any idea when would re start and she said she couldn’t say and that lots of people are waiting! So now it’s just a waiting game and no idea how long. It is very upsetting and frustrating as suffer with problems that’s why due to be checked yearly.”

Refused a coil change
One reader even said that as well as being told she could not book a cervical screening she was also “refused a coil change”.

Another reader, who is due to have her first cervical screening said,

“I called my GP when I received my first letter, as I turn 25 next month, and they weren’t doing it. I got another letter a few weeks ago, called up and still not doing it!”

Received reminder, but can’t book appointment
Another reader said,

“Tried booking and their response was ‘we are not currently booking smear appointments until after the national lockdown’. Now I’ve received a reminder letter, which is very annoying if you can’t get an appointment.”

Based on the responses to the article, both on our Facebook page and privately via email, the problems seem to be with two or three surgeries on the Island.

Watchdog: Hearing from increasing number of people about problems
Healthwatch Isle of Wight is an independent consumer champion for health and social care and brings the voice of local people to the development and delivery of local services.

Their manager, Joanna Smith, told News OnTheWight,

“Healthwatch Isle of Wight has been hearing from an increasing number of people about the problems they are having in accessing some GP practices. We are particularly concerned to hear about those people who are not able to currently access screening or other potentially lifesaving procedures.

“As a result of the feedback we have been receiving, we have contacted NHS England/Improvement to escalate our concerns. They have advised us that at one particular GP practice, ‘there was a workforce issue meaning clinics were reduced slightly, but people were put on a waiting list to book in an appointment when extra clinics are put on so that they are not missed’.

“We would urge people to contact us if they have further problems in accessing essential services so we can highlight concerns to local service providers and commissioners.”

Get in touch
People can contact Healthwatch Isle of Wight by telephone (01983) 608608, by email ([email protected]), via Facebook or by visiting the Website.

Image: Pan American Health Organization under CC BY 2.0