If you have a young petrol head in the house let them know about this great opportunity to be able to learn car control in a safe environment and be the envy of their friends
Isle of Wight council are leading with "We're not increasing daily parking charges", sweetening the pill for their new and increased parking changes in other areas.
The size of the Isle of Wight might make it the perfect place to have an electric car. Sales are continuing to expand, up 50% on the same quarter last year.
Government figures show that nearly a third of registered vehicles on the Isle of Wight are diesel - It's one of the highest ratio in the UK. Breakdown of the figures enclosed.
If you had any questions about the changes to St Mary's hospital parking, or the changes to road layout on their site (like the 'rat runs'), you could well find an answer here.
Bestival traffic is inevitable with so many coming to the Isle of Wight to enjoy it. Here's a guide of road changes and where to avoid, if you're not going.
If you’re out and about on the roads today or tomorrow (16th July), whether by car or on the bus, find out where there might be travel delays by looking at our list of roadworks.
Councillor's letter talks of serious structural weaknesses; weight and speed limit likely and a four week to four month closure being possible depending on the level of repair undertaken.
You might have heard people referring to the Isle of Wight's Motorway and not believed there was one. But it must be true, because according to Google Maps, it really does exist.