people clapsing wrists in supportive manner for safeguarding children week

New safeguarding resources unveiled during Hampshire and Isle of Wight’s first Safeguarding Children Week

The Isle of Wight Council is proud to be supporting the first ever Hampshire and Isle of Wight Safeguarding Children Week, which runs from 9th to 13th October and includes the launch of several new safeguarding resources for practitioners and families.

Safeguarding Children Week has been organised by Hampshire and Isle of Wight Safeguarding Children Partnerships as an annual opportunity to bring together agencies and organisations across the Island to raise awareness of important safeguarding issues.

Feel confident in helping and supporting children in need
The aim for the week is to enable all organisations and individuals working with children and families to feel confident in helping and supporting those children who need it most.

Each day of Safeguarding Children Week will promote a different theme, that will be ‘unlocked’ each morning for practitioners to access via the Safeguarding Children Week website. 

Several new toolkits
This will include the launch of several new toolkits, messages from senior managers and key learning that can be applied to practice.

Practitioners are encouraged to visit the website every day to learn more.

Safeguarding toolkit specifically for community and voluntary organisations
Today (Monday) sees the launch of a new toolkit to help those working with children and families to keep them safe. This is the launch of a comprehensive new safeguarding toolkit specifically for community and voluntary organisations.

The week will also include the launch of resources around preventing child exploitation, safeguarding for unborn babies and infants, training opportunities, as well as safeguarding resources for families and carers.

Find out more
The Hampshire and Isle of Wight Safeguarding Children Week will be hosted on the Hampshire Safeguarding Children Partnership (HSCP) website at Safeguarding Children’s Week 2023.

The webpage can also be accessed via the home page of the Isle of Wight Safeguarding Children Partnership website.

If you work with children and families in any capacity, please do take a look at the webpages to find out more about the Isle of Wight Safeguarding Week and the various resources on offer.

Please do also share this information with anyone in your professional networks who may be able to benefit.

News shared by Isle of Wight council press office, in their own words. Ed