Cleaning shoes:

Obsessive Compulsive Cleaners wanted for TV series

TV production company, Betty, who make primetime series, Obsessive Compulsive Cleaners, have been in touch and are keen to hear from Islanders who might want to take part in the second series of the ‘hit show’.

They’re looking for Islanders consumed by cleaning, people with extreme rituals when it comes to keeping a tidy house. Do you spend hours dusting, cleaning and polishing to keep germs at bay? Or are you obsessed with order? Do you find it affects the relationship with your family or friends, or perhaps is getting in the way of a good night’s sleep?

Does your house need serious cleaning?
On the other side of the coin, Betty are also looking for people whose homes are in need of a serious spring clean.

Are you one of those people whose house is full of clutter and you’ve been putting off dealing with it because you can’t face to part with your hoarding?

Or perhaps you find housekeeping an overwhelming chore because of your life circumstances?

Get in touch to take part
Betty say that by bringing the two groups together, they can help and learn from each other.

If you think this is something you’d like to get involved with it couldn’t be easier to apply.

Simply email [email protected] or call 0207 907 0892 for an application form.

Contestants’ wellbeing taken seriously
If you’re concerned about the welbelling of those taking part, Betty told OnTheWight,

We take the welfare of our contestants very seriously and consider offering further assistance on a case by case basis to anyone with further needs who appears in our series.

Image: Zhao under CC BY 2.0