Vix Lowthion sets out the Isle of Wight Green Party's plans for their Green Guarantee, including Beacon status for the Island as a centre of renewable energy engineering.
Well done to 17 year old Joe Davies, who polled over 88 per cent of the votes out of the total of five candidates and has been elected as the Isle of Wight Member of the UK Youth Parliament.
OnTheWight last year carried out an analyses of how new Funding Formulas would affect schools. The NUT have revealed, with new figures, that schools on the Island will be almost £5.5m worse off.
Did you know that people who live near and experience green spaces have a 50% chance of being more healthy – both physically and mentally? That's good news for Islanders.
Conservative Press Release claims, "Cllr Ian Stephens, announced that 'half of' the pledges in the Independents’ election manifesto, 'Framework For Change' would be abandoned over the next few months". The Indies say the points in the Framework weren't 'pledges', pointing to its Executive Summary which stated, "It is aspirational and to suggest otherwise is to build castles of sand."
The full council will be considering budget proposals at Wednesday's meeting, but will not be seeing alternative budgets from Labour or Independent councillors.
Cllr Roger Mazillius managed, in less than four minutes, to insult and offend the views of all those members of the public who expressed their concerns or made positive suggestions on the future of the Island.