sandown bay academy

Parents and pupils to protest against proposed Academy merger

Following the shock announcement last week by Academies Enterprise Trust that Sandown Bay Academy may close and be merged with Ryde Academy, a peaceful protest by parents and pupils has been planned.

The parent’s protest will take place on Tuesday 9th May at 3pm on the rugby field opposite the school.

A message being shared across Facebook reads,

“We realise this is a knee-jerk reaction but we haven’t got much time.

“We may hold another rally another time when more can come, but for now this is simply a need by people to get together to show their support of the school.

“Bring banners, placards but most of all spread the word! We need as many people as possible there to show support for the pupils and staff and our opposition to the planned merger.”

Day-long pupil protest
In addition, Deputy Head Boy, Nathan Doran, has been in touch to let us know that along with the parent-led protest, he has set up and organised a demo to last the entirety of the school day tomorrow.

He said,

“I have organised this protest to give the students at Sandown a voice about what AET are planning to do to our school and many of our teachers.

“I have been spreading the word throughout school with all the students looking forward to being able to voice their honest opinion about recent changes,

“I would like to make it clear, that as students, we are making this stand against AET, and not Sandown Bay Academy.”

Image: © Google Streetview

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