Peter Harris: Independent Candidate: Isle of Wight 2010 Elections

VB asked each of the prospective parliamentary candidates to send us a 500 word manifesto to share with VB readers. What you read below is an unedited version of what we received from the candidate. Ed

Independent Prospective Parliamentary Candidate, Peter HarrisI am a novice politician but have been aware of our national decline throughout my adulthood. Ten years ago I began making copious mental and written notes, as key events marking the nation’s rapid decline happened. At the same time I became aware of the forces at work and responsible for driving many if not all of the events.

What do I have in mind?

The point at which Marks & Spencer for instance abandoned its British manufacturers and moved production overseas to where labour can be had dirt cheap. They could do so because Britain runs a benefits system that doesn’t allow betrayed workforces to go hungry and homeless, thus allowing M&S to turn its back upon its own countrymen without a care. Then with merchandise being bought in for peanuts from places like China, vast mark-ups are able to be added to the benefit of management and shareholders.

Meanwhile taxpayers get to pick up the bill for the abandonment”¦ British craftspeople are denied the opportunity to ply their trade”¦

The country’s skills base diminishes”¦

High quality creative role models to the next generation are undermined”¦

The next generation is denied its rightful career opportunities”¦

And our balance of payments trade deficit goes entirely off kilter, as cash on a massive scale gets transfused into competitor economies to pay for a huge tonnage of imports deluging in upon us.

Ultimately communities with their hearts and souls torn out go wrong and perhaps feral.

I’m not singling M&S for their practises but utilising them to highlight the divorce that has taken place between leadership and the general populous. As well we all know, the rich have got richer whilst for the rest of us our quality of life has plummeted. And my short example of ‘joined-up-thinking’ seeks to highlight what’s occurred. What’s more, the practices at M&S have been emulated by all of their competitors and become the standard management mindset across the length and breadth of industry and commerce. And the cost to ordinary Brits? Their right to make an honest living is denied them.

I’ve only got 500 words otherwise I’d highlight more examples of just how handicapped we now are by our own leaders. Britain’s political, commercial and legal establishments have let us down about as badly as they possible could. They’re rubbish. The western world’s worst.

You might think this is a somewhat ‘off-the-wall’ manifesto for a would-be politician. I’m interested to get at the root causes underlying our deep national malaise, because only by understanding how Britain got to go so horribly wrong, do we stand any realistic chance of putting the country back to rights.

That’s why I’ve thrown my own hat into the political arena. I have lost every ounce of trust and faith I ever had for our politicians and commercial leaders. I pledge to use the office of MP to get right inside our national malaise, expose it, and attack it.

For chapter and verse check out my campaign Website

Peter Harris doesn’t have any leaflets on The Straight Choice

Peter Harris on My Next MP

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