OnTheWight has gained access to the restricted access site at the landslip on Undercliff Drive.
The photos below reveal for the first time to the public the further damage that has occurred since the previous published photographs.
Media ban
Isle of Wight council has gone to some lengths to stop any of the media getting into the Undercliff Drive landslip area to take a look at what’s been happening there.
Their media officers have issued a blanket refusal for anyone to get onto the site. OnTheWight‘s official requests have been persistently refused, despite confirming we’d take responsibility for our own safety.
Many of the residents who’ve had to abandon their homes are concerned that the wider public are not able to see the full story of what’s going on there.
Invited by residents
OnTheWight was invited to go onto the site to visit some of the residents who had to have their houses packed up with 20 minutes notice, when the council finally realised that the problem was serious.
Readers will remember on the 13th February, OnTheWight reported that residents had been told by the Isle of Wight council there was “no need to worry”, but within two days, the military were called in to help residents pack and remove their belongings from the nine homes in the immediately affected area.
Driveway of the condemned bungalow
Click on the photos to see larger versions