Phuj Phactory: WFMU Tonight

Phuj Phactory: WFMU TonightDon’t forget the weekly Phuj Phactory radio show on New York radio station WFMU, hosted by none other than our favourite one man musical movement, the excellent Ergo Phizmiz.

Last weeks show featured the world broadcast premiere of Little Octet for Assorted Tubes and Cones which was written and recorded in 1988 by brilliant Island musician, Jack Phoenix.

So, how do you get to listen to this eclectic radio programme?

If you happen to be in NY this week, just tune into WFMU on 91.1 FM (every Thursday til May 2008), 6pm New York time.

If, like us can’t make it over to the big apple on Thursday night because you’re washing your hair, you can listen online at

If you missed the last few shows, fear not, those lovely peeps at WFMU are keen to archive, so you can listen again.

Btw, if you haven’t heard the very special mix that Ergo Phizmiz created for VB, check it out.