Pick of The VentnorBlog Week

Thanks to Rachel, who helps us out with articles every so often, for taking the time to put together her Pick of The VentnorBlog Week. Photo below of some of the smaller waves we caught in Ventnor Bay this weekend. Ed

Last week started with a bang when I switched on my computer to see a new look VentnorBlog. Wow, what a change, and certainly for the better as far as I was concerned. Sal and Simon had mentioned that they were going to be changing the layout in order to make it easier in the future to highlight the varying content that they manage (with a little help from their friends) to publish every week (from last count, the average number of stories a week is about 50).

Personally I think the layout is far better and much more edgy than the basic layout they had before. Not everyone likes the new design, but as the saying goes “you can’t please everyone”.

Another great highlight from last week was the fact that Ventbags story which the Blog ran on Tuesday was picked up by IW radio and Meridian News. Angie Pullen and our mayor, Susan Scoccia, were both interviewed by Isle of Wight Radio and Meridian Tonight about the plan to make Ventnor Plastic Bag free by next September. Personally, I love the idea and hope to get involved with the bag making as I always use my shopper when I go into town. It’s been interesting to read the comments over on the forum too.

Talking to people around town, I’ve been amazed by how many are suddenly interested in the elections for the town councillor. I have to admit that it is something that I normally wouldn’t take much interest in myself, but have been reading the profiles and when I’ve got time catching up with question and answer sessions over on the forum. If I lived in the ward, I’d definitely be voting on Thursday – although I still haven’t hypothetically made up my mind yet!

Saving the best for last, my favourite posting of last week though, was the one about Ventnor City Christmas parade. I had been onto their website a couple of weeks ago, after they joined the forum, but it was brilliant being able to really see what our namesake in USA was like by watching the video of their Christmas parade.

Looking forward to all the election coverage that I hear is planned for this week and just in case I don’t have time to come back again soon, wish everyone a very happy christmas.